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AirFloor 10 cm thick - 8m x 2m - Transport bag and User manual (REF MS-AirFloor 8)

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Size : 8m x 2m
Reference : MS-AirFloor 8
Description : This mat is the perfect training aid for all artistic floor exercises. By adding a foam bonded carpet on top of the AirFloor, the pressure is created as a real gymnastic floor, while still having the advantage of creating your personalized pressure.
Included : Transport bag + User manual
Required : OV10 Blower
Recommended for : Gymnastics / Recreational gym / Pre-School Gymnastics / School sports / Shows Groups / Cheerleading / Tricking / Martial arts / Elderly gym / Fitness 

Size : 3m x 2m


Reference : MS-AirFloor 3


Description : This mat is the perfect training aid for all artistic floor exercises. By adding a foam bonded carpet on top of the AirFloor, the pressure is created as a real gymnastic floor, while still having the advantage of creating your personalized pressure.


Included : Transport bag + User manual

Required : OV10 Blower


Recommended for : Gymnastics / Recreational gym / Pre-School Gymnastics / School sports / Shows Groups / Cheerleading / Tricking / Martial arts / Elderly gym / Fitness 

On order

2147,00 € excl tax
2576.4 € TTC

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